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  • Broccoli produces the head, it is loosier and opens in seperate sprouts. It looks like more asparagus, bit comparing to it, the ends are developed more like flower. Broccoli is well known with its curable features. It includes the active substances, it is used against cancer and radial protection. It exceeds cauliflower with vitamis, albumen and useful substances for a man. In addition, it harvests 7-10 days earlier. The head is productive part, which is mainly consists of the flower and gentle step. Broccoli has a long vegetarion period comparing to cauliflower, it is more frost resistant. Agro tecniques of Broccoli is similar with cauliflower, It it is planted by seedling in June and July, it harvests in Winter (Broccoli is not spoilt in 8-10 degree of frost), In warm climate the yield is received in Sring. In case of cutting of central head durng its blossoming, the side heads are developed (the second yield).


  • The second generation weeds are noticed in the plots of potato, cabbage, tomato, pepper, beans, cucumber, onion and carrot plots during vegetation period. Those weeds are annual and perennial cereals. A herbicide Pantera is appliade against those weeds and it eradicates them in 14-20 daysAny crop, like potato, cabbage, tomato, pepper, beans, cucumber, onion, beet and others are infected by fungi during vegetation period. Prevention measures are applied against those diseases with various fungicides. It is not recommended to use one and the same fungicides, it would be better to apply various ones in turn.  


  •  The second generation weeds are noticed in the plots of potato, cabbage, tomato, pepper, beans, cucumber, onion and carrot plots during vegetation period. Those weeds are annual and perennial cereals. A herbicide Pantera is appliade against those weeds and it eradicates them in 14-20 days




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