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Non-commercial, non-entrepreneurial legal entity "Rural Advisory Service” was established on February 2, 2007 with support of Care International in the Caucasus within DFID funded project "Sustainable Livelihoods and Regional Development”

The goal of Rural Advisory Service is to support

·raising awareness of the farmers through provision of consultations,

·to income generation and decrease social problems

·Development of agriculture

Rural Advisory Service (RAS) is staffed with professional agronomists, veterinarians, economists and social workers

Interested people are able to get advice on various issues of agriculture, as well as to be acquainted with the latest agricultural technologies tested on the trial-demonstration plot of RAS and get a training course in various fields (see annex 1)

The company had implemented many projects with financial support of various non-governmental organizations (see annex 2)

Copyright © 2013, Rurar Advisory Service

ვებ-გვერდის მომზადება შესაძლებელი გახდა ამერიკელი ხალხის და აშშ საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს დახმარებით. შინაარსზე პასუხს აგებს შპს „სასოფლო საკონსულტაციო სამსახური“ და შესაძლოა ის არ ასახავდეს აშშ საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს ან აშშ მთავრობის მოსაზრებებს.